Chautauqua Trail Website
The Chautauqua Trail rebuilt the website recently speeding the responsiveness, enhancing the colors and streamlining the functionality.
Next, content, articles and meeting information will be updated along with new pictures, stories and information from each Chautauqua. Currently, we are collecting high resolution pictures and updated information from the Chautauquas.
As we load more content onto the new site, the search engine optimization will increase and allow more individuals to find Chautauqua Trail. In addition, we’ll add new navigation headers so that Chautauquas can share more information through this website.
If your Chautauqua has not yet linked to the site, you are encouraged to link to this website. It will help all Chautauquas stay connected and encourage more people to jump on the Chautauqua Trail.
You are invited to continue to peruse the new website as we make updates, enhancements and add pictures about Chautauquas across North America.